Salamanders are an integral part of most commercial kitchens and many of our induction cooking suites. Our salamanders automatically switch off after a preset time of 0 - 20 minutes stopping them from being left switched on for hours. They can also be set to switch on when they detect a plate under the grill and switch off when the plate is removed.

Our Sal 02 salamander on at full power.

Induction cooking Island suite at South Lodge Hotel

A pair of salamanders above the induction cooking suite with planchas at South Lodge Hotel, Sussex.

Induction cooking suite with salamanders over

A pair of salamanders above 2 x French planchas at The Ship in Ellie, Scotland.

Salamander pulsing

The 2 x heating elements in the centre of our salamanders pulse at full power to stop items in the centre of the grill receiving more heat than items cooking/holding at the sides.


Salamander Running Costs

 Salamander Induction comparison