El Tico Beach Cantina - Jersey

On 26th November 2018 we installed a monster 7m induction cooking suite in the kitchen of El Tico, a beach bar/restaurant in St Ouens bay on Jersey. Below is a picture of their previous suite. 

Cooking Suite Before 

El Tico  Old Suite set up. Making the change. Old Cooking Suite El Tico Old suite. transformation. Old Cooking Suite

They liked what we had to offer, saw the benefits in terms of improved hygiene, heat reduction, lower energy costs etc but, because many of our customers are multiple rosette, Michelin star, fine dining restaurants weren’t sure whether our kit would cope with how incredibly busy El Tico is. 

Whilst they were happy that our cooking suites were more than sturdy enough, it was whether the induction and planchas would have what it takes in terms of output. A short visit to the ridiculously busy Granger & Co restaurant in Westbourne Grove in London immediately allayed any fears. This visit which tied in nicely with a trip to The Restaurant Show at Olympia where they checked out the Adande drawers we were proposing showed our stove being hammered at a site that is definitely not fine dining!

The stove was ordered in mid October for delivery on 26th November. Because the English channel can be rough in November our loaded van travelled two days prior to the install date to be sure it was on site on time. Everything went according to plan and by the evening of the 26th the on site stove build was complete with only the electric connection to be made the following morning. This left plenty of time for training of both chefs and Mercury’s service technicians.

As always, there were nerves over the big switch from gas to induction and plancha cooking but a week later we got the feedback ‘The chefs absolutely love the cooking suite and have taken to it like ducks to water’ Here are some photos of the end result with the suite installed on site at El Tico.

Cooking Suite After 

                   El Tico New Cooking Suite New Cooking Suite 2 El Tico New Cooking Suite 3